Zimmet & Zimmet

Zimmet & Zimmet details

125 Basin St, #210, 32114 , Daytona Beach Florida USA
E.mail -
Phone no. (386) 255-6400
Fax -
Postal code 32114
City Daytona Beach
State Florida
Country USA
At the law offices of Zimmet & Zimmet, helping people in Volusia County and the surrounding areas like Daytona Beach goes beyond just a job, it’s our family tradition. The members of our firm all have deep roots in the vibrant culture of Florida. The Zimmet family has been practicing law in the Sunshine State for over three decades, remaining dedicated to assisting people who’ve been personally injured due to the acts of others. We understand the people and the lifestyle of Central Florida and will provide our clients with knowledgeable counsel while remaining true to the values of our community.