TinyLux Homes TinyLux Homes

TinyLux Homes details

3351 Lincoln Highway East, 17562 , Paradise Pennsylvania USA
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Phone no. (717) 442-1902
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Postal code 17562
City Paradise
State Pennsylvania
Country USA
TinyLux Homes supplies the Mid-Atlantic region with simple, yet exciting alternatives to the traditional living spaces. We create tiny homes, granny flats, park model RVs, cottages, and more-each designed and built to order with your lifestyle and individual needs in mind. Our affordable houses are perfect for a growing number of people looking to live more while living with less. Our mobile and RV options give you the power to pick up and embark on a new journey whenever you want. Also, TinyLux doesn`t just make living spaces, we also offer custom structures like sheds, swing sets & play houses, and detached living spaces such as workshops, crafting nooks, exercise studios, pool houses, offices, guest houses, or even SheSheds and custom Mancaves.