Percy Martinez - Medical Malpractice Lawyers Percy Martinez - Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Business areas:

Percy Martinez - Medical Malpractice Lawyers details

1931 NW 150 Ave, #214, 33028 , Pembroke Pines Florida USA
Phone no. 9543236700
Fax -
Postal code 33028
City Pembroke Pines
State Florida
Country USA
Visit the Best Pembroke Pines Medical Malpractice Lawyer. If you Have Suffered Damages from an Injury or Car Accident Our Pembroke Pines Law firm is here Help with Personal Injury A law firm that helps accidents and injury victims obtain financial compensation. A good example of the types of cases we deal with is car accident cases, slip and falls, cruise ships, medical malpractice, birth injuries and truck & motorcycle accidents. For over 20 years our law firm has helped thousands recover millions of dollars worth in damages. If you have been a victim of negligence call us right away.