Intercept Silver & Jewelry Care Co.

Business areas:


Intercept Silver & Jewelry Care Co. details

10-25 Country Line Rd, 08876 , Branchburg New Jersey USA
Phone no. (908) 526-0088
Fax (908) 526-0007
Postal code 08876
City Branchburg
State New Jersey
Country USA
InterceptTM Silver & Jewelry Care Company is the exclusive authorized worldwide distributor of Intercept Technology™ packaging to the silver and jewelry industries; our business is protecting your critical assets. Our products utilize State of the Art Corrosion Intercept® and Static Intercept®, Lucent Technologies patented polymers that react with and permanently neutralize atmospheric gasses that cause tarnishing of metals and prevent silver tarnish. This leaves your silver jewelry, flatware and other precious silver metals protected to maintain shine, brilliance and luster.