ELB Consulting, Inc.

ELB Consulting, Inc. details

143 S Main St, 34601 , Brooksville Florida USA
E.mail -
Phone no. (352) 796-2112
Fax 352-678-3131
Postal code 34601
City Brooksville
State Florida
Country USA
ELB Consulting, Inc. provides Cost Segregation and Tax Credit Services, Energy EPACT 1ELB Consulting, Inc. provides Cost Segregation and Tax Credit Services, Energy EPACT 179D and 45L, Research and Development Tax Credits, & Construction Audits. With 20 years experience in the industry, ELB Consulting, Inc. has conducted over 10,000 cost segregation studies in all 50 states. ELB provides a Quality Assurance Guarantee to each and every one of our projects. If challenged, we will defend our studies at no cost to you. As the experts in the industry, the IRS often asks us to review competitors` reports for accuracy.79D and 45L, Research and Development Tax Credits, & Construction Audits. With 20 years experience in the industry, ELB Consulting, Inc. has conducted over 10,000 cost segregation studies in all 50 states. ELB provides a Quality Assurance Guarantee to each and every one of our projects. If challenged, we will defend our studies at no cost to you. As the experts in the industry, the IRS often asks us to review competitors` reports for accuracy.