Dental Care Of Woodstock

Dental Care Of Woodstock details

10080 Highway 92, 30188 , Woodstock Georgia USA
E.mail -
Phone no. (770) 592-5921
Fax (770) 693-5218
Postal code 30188
City Woodstock
State Georgia
Country USA
Dental Care of Woodstock is a general, family, and cosmetic dentist located in Woodstock, GA (also serving Towne Lake). We offer services including dental cleanings, veneers, dental implants, teeth whitening, root canals, orthodontics, veneers, crowns, bridges, Lumineers, dental bonding, tooth extractions, Invisalign, and more! We pride ourselves in offering gentle and compassionate dentistry with the same care and comfort we would want for ourselves. When you visit our office, you will be treated with our lavish amenities and state of the art technology. Our staff will always greet you with a smile and make your treatment experience as comfortable as we can. Our Woodstock, GA dentists have graduated from prestigious schools around the United States and are well versed in all aspects of dentistry. This translates to less referrals and more dental care within our practice. Their countless hours of continued dental education ensure the best care possible for our patients.